Got A Question?


  • How can I get my events listed?

    Latin Dance Events currently only offers 1 way to get your events listed.

    FACEBOOK: Events are imported every Sunday & Wednesday through Facebook.

    CLICK HERE to learn more about getting your events imported from Facebook.


  • Where are my events displayed?

    Once your events are published within our database we share them

    1. On our website where search engines pick them up and help your events get found
    2. Through weekly event notification newsletters that are sent out to geographic regions


  • How do I get my venue listed?

    Dance studios, nightclubs and restaurants are listed automatically if they have events listed. The location will be visible on our site if the events happened within the last 30 or up to 30 days in the future. This helps us to keep our list of locations clean and only showing places that actually hold events.

    To get your locations listed simply create Facebook events and be sure to use your studio, nightclub or restaurant as the event location.

    Click here to learn more about adding your events.

  • Why is my location not showing anymore?

    We periodically check to make sure that events are being held at your locations. If we do not find them, they will be removed as not to direct our site visitors to a location that does not appear to still be hosting Latin dance events. To get your location to display again, simply add events through Facebook that are attached to your location or you can list your location in our directory here for a small fee.