If you need specific details about an event(s) or its location other than what is listed, please contact the event organizer, host or venue listed on the event's detail page.
Latin Dance Events is in no way affiliated with these events and we cannot provide any additional information than what is listed.
The events listed on our site are for informational purposes only. All questions should be directed to the organizers, hosts or venues.
If something has been listed in error or an event has been cancelled, please let us know so we can investigate and correct it on our end.
If you need specific details about an event location other than what is listed, please reach out to the venue directly.
The information provided is been gathered from the various sources online or by someone listing an event at that location.
Latin Dance Events is in no way affiliated with these venues and we cannot provide any additional information other than what you see.
If something has been listed in error or the location has closed, please let us know so we may investigate and correct it on our end.
If you are having issues activating your account, please first check your spam / junk mail folder for the email you used when registering.
If no email has been received, 9 times out of 10 it is your email host that is blocking the email for some reason.
There are a few steps we can take to correct the issue.
1.) Try signing up again using a different email from a different email host, example gmail.
2.) Connect with us on Facebook and let us know. We can activate your account manually after we switch your email address.
3.) Notify us here so we can investigate and help you to get set up.
Ok, sorry we couldn't be of more help.
Latin Dance Events can help you effectively market your events to those actually looking for Latin Dance classes, socials and live music events.
No more competing for facetime with a cooking class on the other side of town or the wine tasting event next door.
Latin Dance Events markets to dancers, so you know that your events will be seen by dancers or those interested in learning dance.
Add your events to our calendars and we will even email them out to our subscribers absolutely FREE!
Thank you for your inquiry but unfortunately, Latin Dance Events does not manage or host events.
We are central location for business owners and promoters to spread the word about their events.
But we do encourage you to
create a Free listing on our site that will help those who are looking for talent like yours to find you.
There are listing types for dance performers and teams, musicians, DJs or teachers, as well as various other venue types.
Click here to create your listing today!
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